About Déhora

Déhora Consultancy Group was founded in 1987 by Occupational and Organizational Psychologist Ben Jansen, as one of the first workforce management agencies. Since then, Déhora has been the leading specialist worldwide in the field. 

Déhora Consultancy Group is a full-service consultancy firm, focused on time and workforce management. Organizing time in a smart, healthy and flexible way is what we call ‘time intelligence’. Our aim is to support organizations to be more intelligent with their time, which increases customer- and employee satisfaction, flexibility, resilience, productivity, and will ultimately lead to more profitable organizations.

Déhora’s team consists of 200 professionals. 200 professionals who share a fascination for time-intelligence and a drive to get the most out of everyone’s time. We are headquartered in Amsterdam and have branches in Antwerp, Warsaw and Prague and a number of partnerships worldwide. We have experience in a wide variety of industries, from healthcare and government to manufacturing and transport.

Our expertise is founded on years of practical experience, but it is also backed by scientific research carried out by our own research division. This combination has enabled us to develop new concepts and innovative solutions for workforce planning and management, which are tailor-made to meet our clients’ needs.

Be time-intelligent because time matters!

At Déhora we focus on working time intelligently. Nothing in this world is scarcer than our time, which is why organizations should organize their time in an intelligent way. Embracing a time-intelligent and more conscious approach enhances a companies’ productivity and profitability. This does not only improve customer and employee satisfaction, but also facilitates an efficient workforce management. By doing so, companies can scale their workforce adequately, and organize processes in a more efficient way. However, implementing time-intelligence and changing existing processes can be challenging. Déhora advises and guides companies who are eager to do so. Are you ready to be time intelligent?

What we offer

Déhora can help you with full-service advice and support in the field of workforce planning and management, including:

Active in all sectors, throughout the whole of Europe

Every single one of our consultants, researchers, interim managers, and interim planners are experienced professionals who share a passion for planning. Déhora has branch offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Our specialists work throughout the whole of Europe.

Déhora is active in all sectors, including:

Healthcare l Government I Manufacturing & Production I Commercial services I Transport & Logistics I and more…

Would you like to know more?

Please do not hesitate to contact us to see what we can offer your organisation.