The airline requested Déhora’s expertise for several different personnel-related objectives and factors. For example, support was needed for drawing up basic schedules. In addition, the airline wished to set up smarter, more user-friendly planning processes.
Adjusting a timetable is a process that usually takes four months. At the Rhine and Lek water district, Déhora sat down with employees to draw up a new timetable in just four weeks for the crews of inland vessels sailing the Rhine and Lek rivers.
In 2010, Audi Brussel and Déhora launched an innovative and flexible hour system in response to fluctuations in the production process. The life-cycle of a vehicle has its ups and downs.
Miele called in the know-how of Déhora. Déhora headed a detailed analysis of the scheduling using the PlanScan. Déhora closely examined the work organisation and various work processes.
Déhora's assignment concerned a study into the problem areas and possible solution strategies surrounding the sustainable deployment of production staff working in the Bottling and Warehouse departments of Bavaria.
The modification of a shift roster is a process that usually takes around 4 months to complete. So Déhora sat down with employees in the Rijn and Lek water district to draw up a new roster for the crews of the vessels sailing on the Rijn and Lek rivers in only 4 weeks time.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to see what we can offer your organisation.