Sustainable employability is the future

Downsizing, ageing workforces, and (global) competition are the harsh realities facing many organisations. Employees are expected to continue working longer. Therefore smart and efficient working practices will become essential in order to safeguard the health of your organisation in the long term.

The sustainable employability of your workforce is thus crucial for the survival of your organisation. If you invest in the job satisfaction of your employees, then you will be rewarded with higher productivity and profitability. Because satisfied employees are the beating heart of every successful company.

But what does sustainable employability actually mean for you, as an employer? How can you make sure you have committed and dedicated employees who want to make your business a success?

Déhora’s vision and approach

Sustainable employability is an important part of your workforce planning for the long term. Déhora has extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to enhancing the sustainable employability of employees.

In Déhora’s vision, the sustainable employability of a workforce will only become truly embedded if both sides are willing to share the responsibilities. This calls for a working environment where this is possible, and a workforce that wants to take advantage of the opportunities it creates. This vision is translated into the practical approach that we adopt for all of our projects.

We can support organisations in various ways, including:

  • help with an assessment of the current and expected problems and issues with respect to the employability of employees and the financial consequences of any changes;
  • help with the selection of the most suitable way to implement a successful and result-oriented policy in relation to sustainable employability.

The impact of enhancing your sustainable employability

The sustainable employability of your personnel can be enhanced in various ways. First of all, we can help you to formulate the necessary policy and identify the measures that will need to be taken.

These measures will be designed to have the following impact:

  • More commitment from the employees: they will take more responsibility, have pride in their work, and contribute useful ideas.
  • More job satisfaction and less work stress: better interaction between co-workers, more autonomy, and room for professional development.
  • Development of employees: structural updating of skills and acquisition of new knowledge to ensure the future employability of employees.
  • Greater awareness about irregular working hours: employees will have a greater awareness of the risks associated with irregular working hours.
  • Reduction of physical stress: less physical stress and boredom will result in less absenteeism. Increasing the awareness of both management and staff about this issue can help to reduce the risks.
  • Healthy lifestyle: a healthy diet and good exercise can also help to reduce absenteeism and improve productivity on the work floor.

What are the benefits?

A sustainable policy will make sure your employees are in shape to face the challenges of a dynamic work environment. It will lead to more job satisfaction, less sickness absenteeism, and higher productivity.  Furthermore, it will significantly enhance the agility of your organisation. A sustainable policy will therefore not only make your organisation healthier, it will also have a visible impact on the well-being of your workforce and on your operating results.


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Would you like to know more? Please do not hesitate to contact us to see what we can offer your organisation.