Roster program SPA: easy to develop shift rosters

The Shift Plan Assistant© (SPA) of XIMES is an ideal tool for workforce planners who are responsible for designing and developing shift rosters. The SPA can be used for a range of planning typologies, including production environments, service providers, and healthcare services.

spa roster software

Design all sorts of shift rosters

With the SPA, you can design simple two-shift rosters and very flexible annual shift rosters, and then assess them for compliance with the Working Hours Act. Afterwards, the shift rosters can be changed and improved very easily. The SPA automatically takes into account the regulations under the Working Hours Act, a collective labour agreement, or other regulatory parameters. You can adjust all the configuration settings yourself.

In most situations, other aspects also have to be taken into account, such as seasonal trends, changes in qualification requirements, and the use of part-time or temporary contract workers. The main purpose of the application is to design the most efficient roster, for example by using simulations to assess a variety of possible shift plans.

How does SPA work in practice?

XIMES has been successfully developing software for working time management for many years. XIMES has used its know-how and experience to create various specialised products, and Déhora is the implementation partner for these products in the Netherlands and Belgium. With the SPA application you can design your own shift plans in only a very short time. In the design phase, all the different scenarios are compared with each other. Step-by-step it will help you to choose the optimal design. In this way you can quickly design most efficient, effective, and thus suitable rolling shift roster for your company or organisation. The SPA will also give you detailed information about the vital key indicators, such as working hours, time-for-time compensation, part-time work, costs, and regulatory compliance. All the relevant information can be displayed in easy-to-read charts with one click of a mouse.

A complementary product is the Operating Hours Assistant© (OPA), which can be used to design optimal shift patterns.


What are the benefits?

The practical advantages of the SPA are:

  • The ability to measure and compare the consequences of multiple shift plan scenarios.
  • An interactive step-by-step process that allows you to make the right decisions based on accurate projections.
  • The SPA offers extra functionality for the design of shift rosters.

The SPA gives planners a useful tool that enables them to respond rapidly to new demands and changes, such as:

  • Should the opening hours of the business be longer or perhaps shorter?
  • Do we need to plan days off and night shifts in a different way?
  • How can we adapt to changing circumstances and modify the shift rosters efficiently?
  • What impact will changes in the collective labour agreement have on the existing shift patterns?
  • How can part-time contracts and specific arrangements for individual employees be incorporated into the shift rosters?
  • Is the new shift roster in compliance with the Working Hours Act?

Would you like to know more?

Please do not hesitate to contact us to see what we can offer your organisation.