The knowledge and experience that an organisation accumulates over the years often helps it to overcome adversity and setbacks. However, the world today has become increasingly characterised by volatility, complexity, and unpredictability. This has resulted in six necessary transitions: globalisation, technolisaton, informatisation, informalisation, individualisation, and sustainability.
In order to survive in the modern world, organisations have to be able to adapt quickly to the changing circumstances and thrive in the extremely dynamic markets in which they operate. There is no quick and easy fix. Only organisations that embrace flexibility will be able to create the necessary dynamism.
The labour market is one area in particular where the need for change, and above all flexibility, is glaringly obvious. Now more than ever before employees are looking for individualisation and bespoke employment conditions. The ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance is therefore a crucial aspect. That means employment conditions, including working hours, have to be individualised and flexible so they can be changed at any time should the need arise.
Déhora has years of experience of working with workforce flexibilisation, especially when it comes to working times. A key feature of the support we give to organisations in this area is establishing common ground. With a sensitive issue like flexibilisation, it is important to create benefits for everyone. Although the current practice of flexibilisation has overwhelming positive effects for employers, it can sometimes be perceived as having negative effects for employees. If this imbalance is redressed, and employees also benefit from flexibilisation, then this will play a decisive role in the success of the strategry. Furthermore, to ensure the long-term success of the strategy, flexibilisation also has to be sustainable. Déhora therefore uses a sustainability model for flexibilisation that already has a proven track record.
Organisations that embrace flexibilisation as a strategy achieve what Déhora calls ‘Smart High Performance’. This means they have created the fundamental preconditions necessary for survival.
Would you like to know more? Please do not hesitate to contact us to see what we can offer your organisation.