
Independent, expert, and application-oriented research into your issue. We provide insights by combining scientific research with real-world experiences. Because you want to know the real situation.

Extensive knowledge and experience

Dr. Christine Baaijens, Research Manager, has been working at Déhora since 2004. With her division she supports various companies in obtaining healthy, effective, and adequately scaled workforce. Her team has done research on this topic in the areas of flexible working hours, shift work, healthy rosters, and sustainable employability. If you want to know more about our service Research, make sure to check out the video.

You can also contact us and we will refer you to Christine Baaijens.

Why choose Déhora Research?

There are three reasons for choosing Déhora Research:

  1. We combine scientific research with practical experience, which means that all our solutions are applicable in practice.
  2. All our research is independent: we carry out research for different clients, like employers, works councils, labor unions or trade associations.
  3. We perform research tailored to your company. In this process we start with the problem and the question you want an answer to. We use the most suitable research methodology to deliver valuable and informative insights.

Research methods


Situational studies

Situational research focuses on an assessment of the facts, opinions, and wishes associated with each situation. This includes, for example, studies into the needs, pain points, and development potential of employees in connection with such themes as flexibility and sustainable employability. But also, studies into workloads and work stress (perception), and employee satisfaction surveys about work times and shift rosters.

Evaluation studies

These are studies that focus on an evaluation of change processes. They include comparisons of the pre-measurements and post-measurements of these processes, for example before and after the introduction of self-rostering. As well as an evaluation of the preconditions and critical success factors for a possible implementation of the changes on a larger scale.

Benchmark studies

Déhora also carries out benchmark studies that enables comparison against a certain baseline. This includes, for example, comparisons of time-related employment conditions (e.g., the size of the allowances paid for working irregular shifts). It also includes comparisons of the social and ergonomic aspects of different shift rosters and provides insight in issues such as the cost and efficiency of workforce planning.

Would you like to know more?

Please do not hesitate to contact us to see what we can offer your organisation.